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Saadi Lahlou

Professor Saadi Lahlou is chair in Social Psychology at the London School of Economics and Political Science and Director of the Paris Institute for Advanced Study. He has a multi-disciplinary background (statistics, economics, human biology, ethology and ecology, psychology and cognitive sccience). He directed the Consumer Research Department at Crédoc (Research Centre for the study of Lifestyles and Social Policies), the Social Forecast Unit, and the Laboratory of Design for Cognition at EDF R&D, the Department of Social Psychology at LSE; he was in the steering committee of the Commissariat Général du Plan (French Prime Minister’s forecast and planning unit). He has been in the board of numerous scientific programmes and advisory board, e.g. currently Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris), Complexity Science Hub (Vienna) among others and in various industry advisory boards. He has worked among other topics on the links between representations, context and behavior; on augmented environments, the digitization of work, and the impact of context and rules on behaviour. His current work is focused on changing behaviour for a more sustainable world.

Positions and Institutions
Chair in Social Psychology
London School Of Economics, United Kingdom
London School Of Economics, United Kingdom
Paris Institute of advanced study
Paris Institute of advanced study
Articles from this author
1999 : la France dans la Tempête. Gérer la Crise et Reconstruire
Jeandron C.  and Lahlou S. 
Crise sanitaire - COVID-19 : quelles leçons de la crise sanitaire ?
Bajos N. , Delfraissy J. , Foureur N. , et al.
Crise économique - Inégalités, précarité, des clés pour les surmonter
Duflo E. , Hédon C. , Worms F. , et al.
Crise migratoire - Du global au local, quelles politiques migratoires ?
Héran F. , Leschi D. , Lassalle F. , et al.
Histoire des pandémies - Peut-on apprendre des pandémies du passé ?
Boucheron P. , Wirth T. , Mathieu S. , et al.
Les livres dans la recherche en SHS. Introduction à la table ronde
Lahlou S. 
Our Microbial Lives : A Forum Against Eradication
Lee V.  and Lahlou S. 
Concern for Others is a Better Argument to Foster Social Distancing
Luck S.  and Lahlou S. 
WPRN21 Welcome Conference
Lahlou S. , Gubert F. , Heitmayer M. 
Closing Panel - Moving the discussion forward - lessons learned and next steps
Lahlou S. , Bouin O. , Nowotny H. , et al.
Ouverture officielle du colloque
Lahlou S. , Diab Y. , Lemardeley M. 
Conclusion et clôture
Blauel C. , Diab Y. , Lahlou S. 
Technology, Privacy, and Adapting to Multiple Realities in the Workplace. A view of Aaron Cicourel’ s approach combining insider and outsider views.
Cicourel A.  and Lahlou S. 
Netboards: digital portals to communities of knowledge and practice
Lahlou S. , Cordelois A. , Bouin O. , et al.
The Food Socioscope: a new instrument to better understand transitions towards greater sustainability.
Lahlou S. , Nowotny H. , Yamin P. , et al.
Lahlou S. , Lacour S. , Pénet P. 
Welcome & Presentation Conference
Mirdal  G. , Perez J. , Lahlou S. 
Future Issues. The Analysis of Behaviour
Lahlou S. 
Collective intelligence is needed to ensure beneficial Artificial Intelligence
Lahlou S. , Las Casas E. , Bouin O. , et al.