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Proceedings of the Paris Institute
for Advanced Study

The Paris Institute for Advanced Study (Paris IAS) is a transdisciplinary research center that welcomes researchers from all over the world in the fields of humanities and social sciences. It is also open to other disciplines, in particular the life sciences, for projects involving the humanities and social sciences.

The research projects carried out at the Institute, beyond their international aspect, are characterized by an interdisciplinary approach (bringing together science, politics, economy, and society) and the development of new methodologies and perspectives. To meet the challenges of our time and those to come, it encourages collaboration between research, administration, the economic world and citizens.

It is a partner of the main Parisian higher education and research institutions and is supported by the City of Paris, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation through the RFIEA+ Laboratory of Excellence (French Network of Institutes for Advanced Study), and the European Commission as part of the FIAS (French Institutes for Advanced Study) program. The Paris IAS is also a member of NetIAS, a network that promotes dialogue and cooperation between European institutes for advanced study.

Each year, the Institute's research fellows and partner institutions organize about a hundred scientific events on its premises, on fundamental research or in response to major societal problems.

These proceedings present the conferences, lecture series and other scientific productions of the Paris IAS in the form of indexed and quotable publications, often accompanied by videos or podcasts.