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Cutting the Diamond: how Both ‘Innocence’ and Prolonged, Deep and Incisive Analysis of a Problem Provides Predictive Power
Ann Pettifor
Pettifor, A. (2020). Cutting the Diamond: how Both ‘Innocence’ and Prolonged, Deep and Incisive Analysis of a Problem Provides Predictive Power . In Proceedings of the Paris Institute for Advanced Study (Vol. 10).
Crises et nouveaux prophètes. Intuition, prévision, réforme, Paris IAS, 10-11 December - Session 2 - Retour sur expérience : « s’être trompé » et « avoir eu raison » en 2008
Cutting the diamond: how both ‘innocence’ and prolonged, deep and incisive analysis of a problem provides predictive power
Pettifor, A. (2003). The coming first world debt crisis. In openDemocracy.
Pettifor, A. (2006). The coming first world debt crisis. Springer.