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How "Human History of Nature" and the Theory of Minorities shed light on the Dialogical part of Social Representations. The Case of Psychologists addressing Ecological Issues
Tribute to Serge Moscovici. Paris IAS, 17-18 November 2016 - Session 5

A recent article published by the "American Psychologist" (Clayton et al., 2015) paints the portray of questions that psychology can answer in addressing ecological issues and lists the challenges psychology is still facing: turning to a more contextualized approach, developing models of change rather than of stability, understanding the role of communication. For researchers familiar with the theory of social representations such considerations are well-known and the theory offers a relevant alternative to more traditional and individualistic approaches in environmental psychology (Jodelet, 1996; Castro, 2006). However the theory proposed by Moscovici (1961) seems to be sometimes misunderstood and its accounts are partially underestimated. Ecological issues offer a thought-provoking theme for a better understanding of social representations theory because other dimensions of Moscovici's oeuvre can be called up too in this domain. Thus the originality of this presentation is to shed light on the potentialities of the theory of social representations by linking it to the concept of a "human history of nature" (Moscovici, 1968), to the theory of minorities (Moscovici, 1979), and to political reflections about ecology. Bringing together these different theories from Moscovici's oeuvre underlines some of the revolutionary aspects of his work which overcomes important dualisms like nature/culture, individual/society, change/stability, and science/common sense.

How human history of nature and the theory of minorities shed light on the dialogical part of social representations
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