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Is There a Social Psychology of Historic Grievances and Intergroup Conflict in the Age of 'Radicalisation'?
Tribute to Serge Moscovici. Paris IAS, 17-18 November 2016 - Session 4

How does social psychology contribute to the understanding of intergroup conflict in the age of ‘radicalisation’? How does it address current intergroup interactions in the context of historical grievances? A social psychological examination of such questions addresses at least three aspects: Why should history matter to the social psychology of intergroup relations? Is there a historically contextualized social psychology of intergroup conflict and its termination? How does social psychology address dynamic intergroup relations? Finally, we ask: What are the implications for our explanatory frameworks of the interplay between social representations of history, collective memories, social identities, and present-day intergroup relations?

Is There a Social Psychology of Historic Grievances and Intergroup Conflict in the Age of Radicalisation


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