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Intellectuals against Liberal Democracy. Academia, Media, and Culture - Program
Intellectuals against liberal democracy. Academia, media, and culture, Paris IAS, 2-3 June 2022 - Program

Workshop organized by Valentin Behr, résident 2021-2022 Paris IAS and Simon Massei, Université libre de Bruxelles, with the support of Paris IAS and CESSP.


2 June 2022

Panel 1 (9h30-13h) : The formation and circulation of illiberal ideas

Chair : Valentin Behr (Paris IAS)
Discussant : Laure Neumayer (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)

Aron Buzogany (BOKU Vienna) and Mihai Varga (FU Berlin): The defenders of Western civilization: Assembling Europe’s transnational right-wing network

Chloé Kattar (EUME, Berlin): Right-Wing Lebanese Intellectuals in Transnational Networks During the Lebanese Civil War.

Simon Ridley (Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre): Extreme-Anti-Public Intellectuals: Hans Herman Hoppe and the ‘Physical Removal’ from the Libertarian Order

Marlène Laruelle (George Washington University): Mapping Illiberal Production in a Russian Context: Bottom Up and Top Down.

Eva Pils (King's College London, EURICS): Defending ‘rule by virtue’ in Xi Jinping’s ‘New Era’ China: a discussion of anti-liberal establishment intellectuals amongst Chinese legal academics.

Panel 2 (14-17h): Illiberal intellectuals figures

Chair : Simon Massei (ULB)
Discussant : Wiebke Keim (Université de Strasbourg)

Fabio De Sa E Silva (University of Oklahoma) : From Car Wash to Bolsonaro: Law and Lawyers in Brazil's Illiberal Turn (2014–2018).

David Swartz (Boston University) : Conservative Divisions within the US Academy: Trumpists versus Conservative Anti-Trumpers.

Valentin Behr (Paris IAS): Uniting the Right through ideas? Metapolitics at the transnational level.

Juliette Faure (Sciences Po, CERI): Re-enchanting the Soviet modernity: Russian modernist conservatives and the ‘spiritualization of technology’ in the 1970s.

Roundtable (17h15-18h45): Une « droitisation » des espaces politiques ? Comprendre la montée de l’illibéralisme et de l’extrême-droite

Chair : Valentin Behr and Simon Massei

With : Béatrice Hibou (CNRS, Sciences Po/CERI), Marlène Laruelle (George Washington University), Nicolas Lebourg (Université de Montpellier)

3 June 2022

Panel 3 (9h30-13h): Illiberal media and social movements

Chair : James F. Hollifield (SMU, Paris IAS)
Discussant : Simon Massei (ULB)

Natasza Quelvennec (EHESS, CESSP): A conservative think tank at war against gender in Poland. Sociology of a militant expertise.

Jérôme Pacouret (CESSP): YouTube and the extension of the domain of conservative news and ideas: the case of the French far right news magazine Valeurs actuelles.

Ève Gianoncelli (Maison française d’Oxford): Cultural Warriors and Anti-Feminism.

Bruno Ronchi (Université Rennes-1): Olavo de Carvalho and the Traditionalist influence on the structuring of Bolsonarism.

Concluding remarks and brainstorming (14h-16h)
